Drug addiction is a complicated disorder which may involve practically every aspect of an individual's life in the family, at work, and amongst friends. It is actually a brain disease as the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and the functioning of the individual's brain. Drug addiction costs taxpayers millions of dollars each year and is a major public health concern for all of us, as it is a chronic relapsing disorder, which means that it lasts a long time and individuals who are trying to quit are apt to start using drugs again.
A Look At Drug Addiction
Drug Addiction Recovery
Drug Addiction: Top 4 Ways To Treat Drug Addicts
You know the dangers of HIV / AIDS
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that menginfeksi cells from the human immune system and destroy its function. At the first stage of the infection, people have no symptoms. However, after the infection progresses, the body's immune system becomes weak, and people become more vulnerable to a so-called oportunistik infection.
Stage of HIV infection is most dangerous is positive with Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This can take 10-15 years for people infected with HIV-AIDS to develop; can not use the slow development of this virus.
HIV is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact (anal or vaginal), transfusion of infected blood, sharing contaminated needles, and between the mother and the baby during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.
As many as 33 million people living with HIV (WHO 2007), and new HIV in 2007 increased 2.7 million people died as a result while the HIV / AIDS as much as 2 million people in the world where about 270 thousand people are children under the age of 15 years .. be carefull, Virus is threatening all the time.
source: WHO
Athlete Drug Testing
Athlete drug testing is performed at various levels from school athletes to Olympic games. These drug tests are conducted to identify the drug abuse of the athletes and put them off. Athlete drug testing has strict principles that restrict the drug abused athletes from the competition. This has forced the athletes to avoid all the banned substances. These tests will be confirmed with GC/MS (Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry) method, which detects various chemical features of the drug substances.
Why Athlete Drug Testing
In view to deter the illicit drug abuse there are certain reasons for setting up the athlete drug testing. The following are some of them:
• Restrict And Deter Drug Use: Athlete drug testing detects the drug abuse of the participants. It can put them off and restrict from future abuse. It provides certain educational and awareness programs for their welfare.
• To Avoid Unfair Competition: The drug-abused athletes have an unfair competitive advantage of improved performance. Athlete drug testing process takes required measures to stop violating the principles of athletics. It is an ideal solution for examining the drug usage, which preserves the competition from unfair practices.
• To Avoid Hazardous Influence: The drug-abused athletes will certainly influence children and teenagers negatively. It can also damage the reputation of the athletic program and the sports authority. Therefore, athlete drug testing can prevent such harmful impacts.
• Secure Athletes Health: There would be severe hazards of drug abuse in athletic activities. Therefore, drug testing can help the athletes to lead a productive and healthy lifestyle and shows the means to prevent drug abuse.
Athlete Drug Testing Procedure
The athlete drug testing begins with the collection of urine specimen from all the athletes participating in the competition. For some substances detection, it may require blood specimen for testing. Though it is a simple procedure, it is commenced with a formal and highly regulated process. This is to make sure that the specimen collected is tamper proof. This require athletes to sign a contract saying that they have understood and accepted the regulations of the program and are willing to participate in drug testing.
There will be well-trained examiners appointed to carry out the specimen collection and conduct the drug testing. The athlete who results positive in the drug test will be restricted from the athletics, so that there would be a fair competition among the athletes. The positive resulted athletes have the right to perform second analysis of their specimen, which will be observed by the athlete or their representative.
The above framework gives you the essential information about the athlete drug testing and its purposes and procedure.
by: DrugAlcoholTest.com
characteristics that are easy on the mind habitue drugs.
1. habitue marijuana leaf: Tend seedy, red-eye, hold lid tightly, like to eat because of stomach feels hungry and continue laughing like if involved even if it does not talk funny.
2. habitue putauw: Often alone in the dark while you hear music, lazy bath condition because the body is always cold, the body lean, shriveled and always to the opposite kind of apathetic.
3. habitue inex or ekstasi: steam out of the house, always cheery house if listening to music, face looks tired, like lips and broken in pieces like the body sweat, often after minder inex lost influence.
4. habitue sabu-sabu: easy restless awry and what to do, rarely want to contemplate if the talk, eyes often jelalatan, dominant suspicious character, especially in people who are new, although the body sweat is in the air-conditioned rooms, like angry and sensitive.
AIDS: Causes and Symptoms
- My sex outside marriage, prostitution, free sex, flit pair both similar and opposite types of syringe drug users together.
- Smooch saliva from one mouth to another mouth.
The symptoms felt by people who kill this virus is:
- Body weight down more than 10%
- Fever over 38 degrees centigrade
- Sweating at night without the reason
- Diarrhea chronic with no clear reason that more than 1 month
- Pain tired prolonged
- Hairy leukoplakia on the tongue
- Herpes zoster and kandidiasis mouth
- Pembesaran gland spleen, animea, leucopenia, limpofenia, trombositopenia
- Found HIV antigen or antibody against HIV
- Other clinical symptoms, another difference between the skin and hair on the head, face and skin of other body parts, nose, eyes, oral cavity (palate, teeth and gum), lungs, genitals, the body weight to decrease bone packaged skin, and symptoms of disease oportunistik other.
TIPS: If Any yours Family drugs involved
Know when one family involved in drugs, most of us immediately became emotional, angry and feel very ashamed. Without our family we realize that drugs are involved the more depressed and run from the family. You imagine the broken heart. These are the tips for you to behave when this happens in your family:
- Try to be calm and not emotional.
- Try to understand his heart, usually due to drug abuse problems that have long roots. Invent a family approach.
- If you are not able to control emotions, you may need other people, or even people who understand the misuse of Drugs.
- Try to open and faces the problem Communicate. Engage speak honestly so that oppression will be reduced.
- If he was your child, try to recognize your mistake, and want to forgive the error, and should not make him more depressed with.
- Last .. We recommend you coax your child to go to treatment or rehabilitation of residence.
Drugs and free sex
The development of drugs can not be separated from the association free users. Drugs are always identical with the free sex. Can be a daughter habitue drugs is not virgin anymore. This is because the requirement of the drug is very unusual to want to sell themselves to get drugs. Once the danger of free association on adolescent at this time because they were still in the identity search. As a result of this is the free association of free sex. Adolescent easily get a picture and cd porno movies through the Internet or sold illegally, and do what they watch. This is the effect of the progress of information technology without limits. So many potential people who lost children in the destroyed by drugs and free sex.
Then arose the next effect we know that the HIV virus and AIDS disease. Habitue Drugs and free sex is the main cause of someone fell ill HIV virus and AIDS. Through the use of a syringe shared by habitue drugs and sex relationship free of HIV is the virus that causes AIDS spread.
About Drugs prohibited
drug abuse is very dangerous because it can cause damage to the brain, heart, organs and other important. For example, cocaine abuse can cause a heart attack at the time of first use. It drug because usually try, curiosity or the association with their friends who use drugs are. In addition there is a reasoned use drugs because they do not hold with the life experience or want to escape from reality. While using the drugs they do not solve the problem even add a new problem. Several types of drugs we will try to explain that is: ecstasy, heroin, marijuana, cocaine
Ecstasy can make drunk with symptoms including loss of appetite, insomnia, depression, or muscle pain. The effects of ecstasy is different from person to person, depending on the size, mood, gender, health, weight, personality, expectations of the drugs, and feelings and experiences of previous
Opiates usually called heroin. Opiates can help eliminate pain and a strong classified as depressants because it slows the function of the central nervous system. Forms such as powder and in different colors. Disallows have, make, supply, import, and the heroin trade. With the use of high doses, can cause skin to become cold and breathing becomes slow. Use of heroin in a long time with the style of living with heroin can cause damage to the veins, the heart and lungs. Women may experience in the period that is not regular and possible infertility, whereas in men experience impotence possibility. Inject heroin, there is a certain risk when using sharing injecting equipment, needles and syringes, spoons, sterile water, filters, where alcohol can increase the risk of contracting diseases such as tetanus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.
The effects of marijuana will vary depending on the individual and the mood they think this will also depend on the strength and number of drugs used. Using marijuana can lead to social and emotional problems that can affect relationships with family and friends. For example, one of the effects of marijuana can lose their inhibitions. This can cause people say or do things that they do not usually do, or take risks that may put them in danger. Marijuana can make people less motivated. Marijuana coming from the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant
cocaine is a drug derived from coca leaves or made synthetically and is packed in the form of white powder. Cocaine is very addictive and can immediately feel the effect when you first use and create addiction in users. Drugs when used with the wrong dose will cause death. Akan cocaine effects depending on the number of used, quality, and purity of drugs
Why Abuse drug, alcohol and substance addictif the bad effect.
Cahalan and Cisin research in 1979 in the United States to find the influence of alcohol abuse drug addict and substance addictif are:
- One third traffic accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol, which caused the death of as many as 25,000 thousand lives each year.
- Murder or suicide is under the influence of alcohol as much as 15,000 lives
- Diseases caused by alcohol abuse making the death of 20,000 inhabitants
- 40 million children and parents bear the mental suffering resulting from one of the members of his family suffering alcohol dependence.
- The rise of crime.
Medical complications can also occur as a result of alcohol abuse drug addict and the harmful substances such as adiktif body metabolism, nutrition, cancer, endokrin system, sexual interference and the development of fetus, muscle system, pancreas gland, liver disease and brain damage to the network. This is clearly not profitable for us.
Families in the Influence of Drug Addict Abuse
Condition of social harmony of the family who does not give a very big influence on young people involved in the abuse of drug addict, alcohol and substance adictif when compared with teenagers who grew up in the social condition of families in harmony. not a harmonious family or household means that the rope break affection between mother and father children. Busy parents in pursuing material and make a career working relationship dissolution than the time which used to give affection and attention to children and families few. In this case, actually to establish a harmonious family relationship is not with a lot of time, but the quality of togetherness or face-to-face with children and families. While parents are busy with their jobs should be able to spend some more time for children and families, especially when the child enters the age of teenagers. Society and environment also affect the very behavior of teenagers or someone in the public relations. Especially the association at the school, where the responsibility of teachers and schools to be able to oversee and guide the youth of this association is affected by the abuse of alcohol and drug addict adiktif substances. The role of community leaders, officials, believer and other social environment also helps in preventing alcohol abuse drug addict and substance adiktif. Therefore, a good climate for the development of adolescents is the family harmony, learning is good in the school environment and community well. This was important because of alcohol abuse drug addict and substance adiktif made by many teenagers and age.
Abuse Drug , Alcohol and Substance Addict
Abuse drug, alcohol and substance addict very apprehensive at this time where the users are generally young people aged 16 years to 25 years. Age is an age which is the productive resources or assets of the nation in the future. Penyalahan negative impact of the drug addict, alcohol and substance adictif this are: destructive family relationships, lower learning ability (thinking), to be antisocial, decrease in productivity and the ability to work, act of violence or crime, traffic accidents, disturbances, and many other health.
It drug addict, alcohol and substance addict can mnyebabkan Injury to the death of a futile result of excessive (overdosis). Still continued effort to find the response, prevention and rehabilitation abuse drug, alcohol and substance addict it.
State of progress in industry and modernization of all aspects of a large increase of abuse and drug addict alkhol substances among adolescents in adictif or that are productive. National Institute of drug abuse (NIDA) reported that 1 out of 6 teenage drug addict is a trespasser, alcohol, and substance addict weight (Cumming, 1979; Thorne, 1986). It drug addict, alcohol, and substance adiktif in the United States is one of four major disturbance of the soul than fear, depression and schizophrenia.
It can be categorized as a drug addict form of mental disturbance. This can be seen from the sense of dependence on goods, and consequently create user objects behave in antisocial and inability to control themselves.